Seed pod
Part-time learning for students aged 5-10 years
The Seed Pod is our Education and Learning Pod for young people aged 5-10 years. It is open from 9:35am to 3:30pm on Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays, during term time. Each student’s experience on each day is unique as they have access to the resources in the pod, and collaborate with facilitators and their peers.
Plans are made as a group in the opening meeting and can be based on ideas from closing meetings in previous sessions, and by exploring ideas according to our resources and what students feel connected to. The interests and curiosities of all students are taken into account and everyone’s needs are balanced.
Our primary goal in the seed pod is to be a place where students get inspired about learning and gain vital skills for broad and critical exploration in the long term. We want students to feel more connected to themselves, their families and the world around them.
Seed resources
The Seed Pod has access to a wide range and growing set of resources including:
- Arts & crafts inc. textiles crafts
- Cards and games
- Construction and engineering toys
- Outdoor and physical toys
- Books and a cosy corner
- Sensory equipment
- Narrative and small world toys
- Logic and puzzle resources
- Dress up, role and performance
- Duplo and lego
- Nature and forest resources.