Opening September 2026

The HELPod

Hawthorn Education & Learning Pod (HELPod)

The Hawthorn Education and Learning Pod (HELP) or “The Pod” is a an education and learning provision for students who thrive in an environment that is child-centred and consent based.  The Pod offers a personalised part time education that is flexible, self-directed, and professionally facilitated. It offers part time students the opportunity to learn collaboratively with other young people, use resources that may not be available at home, and access professionally qualified educators and learning support.

Furthermore, we are here to support home-educating families holistically by providing resources and support in the core subjects at home. Parents and students can access the Century Learning platform or use our links with Oxford Wolsey Hall as they want and need. We really are here to HELP!

HELPod students attend on Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays during term time.  Term dates are available here.

The HELPod is located on Old Salisbury Lane, near Romsey in Hampshire.

There are two age groups within the HELPod: Seed pod for students aged between 5 and 11, and Berry pod for students aged between 11 and 16. The maximum number of students in each group is 10. Please click below or to the side to discover what we do within each group, or navigate the website to discover our approach to education and learning. 

The fee information for the HELPod can be found here.

Seed pod

Podlings in the seed pod are aged between 5 and 10 years

Berry pod

Podsters in the Berry pod are aged between 10 and 16 years

Hawthorn Education and Learning Pod is an exciting new not-for-profit enterprise being launched to support children who currently need an alternative learning experience outside of full-time mainstream education.  we provide a therapeutic environment where children can feel safe, heard, and valued, connecting with animals and nature while accessing a full academic curriculum, with equal emphasis on social, emotional, spiritual and physical development.

Our aim is to broaden every individual child’s prospects and resilience and give them the opportunity to show the world what they have to offer.We work closely with parents, carers, and mainstream schools, including offering mentoring and training designed to take our approach and ethos and replicate it in schools and wider environments. We celebrate children’s progress and offer them a pathway into full-time education and vocational training, enabling children to lead fulfilling adult lives and contribute positively to our global society.

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If you are considering Hawthorn Small School please get in contact with us so that we can chat about your families’ needs and what we offer.

Please Enquire here